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Spam Protection | Regain Control over your Inbox

Email protection

Spam costs your business money.

Did you know that 58% of all e-mail sent is classified as spam? With standard spam filters that come with most email clients not being efficient enough to catch this spam, it can be costly to your business. Businesses that don't have an effective spam filter in place, can generate costs up to $700 a year per employee. This is an expense that can easily be avoided with a quality spam protection solution from SCW.

Prevent Security Breaches

Prevent security threats by minimizing the human element.

Anti-virus programs do a great job eliminating possible security threats through the use of identifiable malicious code and activities. With limited knowledge in the methods of malicious activity, they can make decisions that supersede the red flags that are thrown when antivirus programs detect unnatural behavior. If spam slips through the holes in your mail client’s spam filter and lands in the inbox of an employee who doesn't know better, you could be at serious risk.

The Difference

Standard spam filters are not as effective as the anti-spam solution from SCW.

Standard e-mail client spam filtering requires the user to define spam parameters per inquiry. Our anti-spam solution uses intelligent pre-designed filters and includes multiple layers of protection that stop phishing attempts, viruses, Denial of Service (DoS), Directory Harvest Attacks (DHA) and much more.

With this highly effective, low cost, hosted spam protection solution from SCW, you increase your staff’s productivity, and eliminate cost associated with these types of threats. The service pays for itself with a rapid ROI.

The moment our e-mail spam solution is implemented, you’ll immediately notice the elimination of spam within your company’ s e-mail. Employees will no longer have to spend a portion of their day downloading and sifting through junk mail. Above all else, you virtually eliminate malicious attacks from e-mail spam and protect your company’s intellectual property.

Contact us today at (509) 534-1530. One of our friendly technicians can give you an idea how affordable it is to protect your organization's e-mail.


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This whitepaper will evaluate the differences between traditional technical support practices and modern managed IT practices and the pros and cons of both in regards to small and medium-sized businesses.


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