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SCW has been serving the Spokane Valley area since 1997, providing IT Support such as helpdesk support, computer support, and technical consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

The Cloud at Your Service

The Cloud at Your Service

Cloud options provide small businesses with the flexibility and scalability they need to compete in an ever-evolving market. In this blog post, we will explore the various cloud options available for small businesses and how they can leverage these platforms to drive success.

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The Cloud Plays a Huge Role In Entertainment

The Cloud Plays a Huge Role In Entertainment

TV shows and movies captivate people of all ages, walks of life, and socio-economic backgrounds. They can put viewers in places in time and situations that they could only dream about. Like many things in our society, there are varying roles that technology plays in the entertainment industry. Let’s take a look at the role technology plays in the creation of the entertainment that we enjoy every day.

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Will Your Business Use Google’s New Custom Building Blocks Feature?

Will Your Business Use Google’s New Custom Building Blocks Feature?

Google is always striving to improve its Workspace platform, the business-driven productivity suite for companies. One new tool that could change the way organizations operate is custom building blocks, which add a whole new layer of depth… for schools and businesses, anyway.

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Strategies to Help You Secure the Data You Have in the Cloud

Strategies to Help You Secure the Data You Have in the Cloud

Most businesses leverage the cloud in at least some capacity, whether cloud-based apps or cloud-based infrastructure. In any case, using the cloud comes with inherent security questions that must be addressed during the planning, implementation, and launch phases of any solution. Let’s go over some of the ways you might protect data and applications stored in the cloud.

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Give Your Business a Leg Up with These 4 Technology Practices

Give Your Business a Leg Up with These 4 Technology Practices

Technology has become a fundamental need for businesses of all sizes, with even small businesses needing to seek out options to cover their shifting needs. Fortunately, this technology has also become more reliable and readily available…and as a result, small businesses have more opportunities than ever to give their operations a welcome boost.

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Cloud Computing May Be the Answer to Your Technology Problems

Cloud Computing May Be the Answer to Your Technology Problems

Cloud-hosted computing has been around for quite some time, but it has never been as accessible as it is today.  It is now a commonly used resource for almost any type of business. In fact, the growth of cloud-based computing suggests that we are staring at a cloud-hosted future. Today, we wanted to discuss the cloud and how it has become the go-to solution for growing businesses. 

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Cloud Computing Could Change Your Business Completely

Cloud Computing Could Change Your Business Completely

The cloud provides businesses with all kinds of ways to be more productive throughout the workday, and while it’s great in most cases for companies that want to be more intentional with their infrastructures and budgets, there are certain cloud solutions that will be effective no matter what industry or professional endeavors you pursue.

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What You Have to Do to Make Your Cloud Migration Go Smoothly

What You Have to Do to Make Your Cloud Migration Go Smoothly

The cloud can be a wonderful asset for a business that utilizes it well—particularly if the business can move much of its IT workload to the provider. For organizations that are considering migration to the cloud, we have some helpful tips and tricks to make the process easier than ever.

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The Top 3 Communications Solutions Your Business Needs

The Top 3 Communications Solutions Your Business Needs

Businesses today depend more on digital communication than they ever have. That’s why it is important for them to get the tools and resources they need to conduct efficient and effective business. Today, we are going to outline three of the most effective communication tools for business and what makes them so beneficial. 

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A Quick Look at Google Workspace

A Quick Look at Google Workspace

There are a ton of productivity suites out there, and we’ve all heard of the most common one, Microsoft Office. Still, there are other solutions out there, one of which is Google Workspace. What does Google Workspace offer, and what differentiates it from its competition? Let’s take a closer look and see if we can find the answer to this question.

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Cloud Platforms are Deteriorating the Need for Onsite Computing

Cloud Platforms are Deteriorating the Need for Onsite Computing

Cloud computing has been a major topic of discussion in the business world, but many IT professionals have been skeptical of the practice over the years due to security concerns and issues with management. However, technology advancements have allowed businesses to implement cloud computing in previously unforeseen ways, leading to more convenient, flexible, and affordable solutions as a whole.

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Remote Desktop Has Some Serious Value

Remote Desktop Has Some Serious Value

Your desktop infrastructure is one of the most important parts of your organization, and there are several ways to manage it. One way is through Desktop-as-a-Service, an option that can help you move away from the traditional workstation and embrace a new technology management philosophy. How might you get value out of this service? Let’s take a look at what makes DaaS so special.

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3 Major Benefits Business See From Cloud Computing

3 Major Benefits Business See From Cloud Computing

If you have to rely on remote workers as a small business, you might fear what they represent to your operations: a lack of control, security challenges, and of course, productivity issues. However, in today’s remote workplace, it is important to acknowledge that remote workers played a critical role in saving countless organizations throughout the course of the pandemic.

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3 Challenges (and Solutions) Posed by Remote Work

3 Challenges (and Solutions) Posed by Remote Work

For the past year, remote work has been basically the only option for some businesses. If the pandemic has proven anything, it is that all of our preconceived notions of remote work being impossible for certain industries and sectors are simply not true. Most businesses can leverage remote work in some capacity, so in a post-COVID world, it is your responsibility as a business owner to act on the many benefits that remote work can pose for organizations like yours.

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Cloud-Hosted Tools Your Business Should Consider

Cloud-Hosted Tools Your Business Should Consider

The cloud has provided organizations with countless ways to innovate and improve operations, but for those who are just now jumping on this great opportunity, you might have some questions about how to get the most out of the cloud or how to even get started. Let’s discuss some of the major benefits of cloud computing, as well as why it’s critical to consider it in the years to come.

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Cloud Hardware is More Popular Than Ever. Here’s Why

Cloud Hardware is More Popular Than Ever. Here’s Why

Each business uses a certain amount of technology to get things done, but today, no technology is as important to businesses as the Internet. You’ve begun to see businesses of all sizes spending thousands of dollars a month on Software-as-a-Service platforms designed to get workers the tools they need without placing undue pressure on a company’s capital budget. Today, we will talk about another cloud-based platform that is growing rapidly: Infrastructure-as-a-Service.

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Cloud Computing Has Value, but May Not Be Right for You

Cloud Computing Has Value, but May Not Be Right for You

If COVID-19 didn’t already jam up your business’ progress enough after five months, it seems as though the new normal is going to include replacing onsite hardware with cloud-based alternatives. At first glance, the presence of hosted platforms comes as a godsend to the business who doesn’t want to commit large amounts of capital to a hardware refresh. The cost of cloud computing, however, could actually be a major problem for your business. Today, we’ll take a brief look at the hardware choices you have and where the value comes from.

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Switch the Hosted Email to Save Money

Switch the Hosted Email to Save Money

Email is one of the most common communication tools used by businesses, but not all options are as good as others. For this week’s tip, we’re recommending that you embrace hosted email in your own operations. Here’s why.

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How Your Business Can Take Advantage of the Cloud

How Your Business Can Take Advantage of the Cloud

The cloud has proven exceptionally useful to businesses in a variety of ways, as it offers a means for these businesses to continue accessing their crucial tools and solutions. Let’s examine a few utilities that your organization could receive via cloud services, and how they would benefit your processes.

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Cloud or On-site? That is the Question

Cloud or On-site? That is the Question

The small business has been really hit hard recently.  With around one-sixth of the workforce working online because of the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses have been doing some hand wringing about their future IT investments. Do you keep your computing resource onsite or do you look to the cloud to fill in? Today, we will take a look at this very question.

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