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SCW has been serving the Spokane Valley area since 1997, providing IT Support such as helpdesk support, computer support, and technical consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

What are the Most Prevalent Obstacles to Cybersecurity?

What are the Most Prevalent Obstacles to Cybersecurity?

With Cybersecurity Awareness Month just around the corner, now seems to be the appropriate time to consider your own business’ cybersecurity. While there are many, many factors that contribute to how protected your business is against threats, one of the most impactful and insidious is how receptive your employees are (or aren’t) to security-centric behaviors.

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Preventing Business Sabotage? Trust No One, Verify Everyone

Preventing Business Sabotage? Trust No One, Verify Everyone

Cybersecurity is a complicated beast. Not only do you have to be sure that you’re protected from threats coming from outside your business, there are also a few very real threats that can originate from inside your business, too. Both are critical to prevent, which can be quite effectively accomplished via a zero trust approach to your security.

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When Considering a VPN, There are Some Features Your Business Needs

When Considering a VPN, There are Some Features Your Business Needs

A VPN—or virtual private network—is something that we recommend any business implementing any form of remote or hybrid work to have in their cybersecurity arsenal. Let’s explore why this is by examining what a VPN does, and what any business should seek out in the one they use.

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4 Things You Can Do to Improve Security When You Work From Home

4 Things You Can Do to Improve Security When You Work From Home

Is your business prepared to handle the many challenges that come from remote work, chief among them security? If you aren’t, then the transition to remote or hybrid operations is going to be a rough one, to say the least. Let’s discuss how you can implement secure remote or hybrid work policies that are sure to protect your business now and in the future.

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Here are the Online Threats You Need to be Concerned With

Here are the Online Threats You Need to be Concerned With

Network security is a constant problem for many organizations, and it’s mostly because of the many advanced threats that make their homes on the Internet. Businesses who don’t have dedicated IT resources or security professionals do not know how to handle network security or appropriately protect their assets. Let’s examine some of the more common threats that your business should be prepared to address.

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You Can’t Take Your Network’s Security for Granted

You Can’t Take Your Network’s Security for Granted

It’s easy to see the headlines and think that a major data breach cannot happen to your business, but this is a dangerous mindset to hold. If you aren’t taking cybersecurity seriously these days, then you’re making a huge mistake. You need to implement security measures now before it’s too late.

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What Is Your Business’ Information Worth to a Scammer?

What Is Your Business’ Information Worth to a Scammer?

Believe it or not, someone can actually purchase access to your organization’s network under the right circumstances. This is the unfortunate reality that we live in, where the commoditization of data and network access has become a real problem. According to a study from KELA, hackers can sell access to compromised networks for a pittance compared to the amount of work you have invested in building your business. Therefore, you must do everything in your power to protect your network and prevent this from happening.

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Meet the Firewall: The Unsung Hero of Your Network’s Security

Meet the Firewall: The Unsung Hero of Your Network’s Security

The term firewall is not a new one, and it’s not as old of a term as you might think. Before it became commonplace in the computing environment, it was first introduced to the world in 1983 when it was used in a movie titled WarGames. Nowadays, it is used mostly in regard to network security. Let’s take a look at what a firewall does and what the different types of firewalls do.

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Turns Out Paying Ransomware Hackers Is a Bad Idea After All

Turns Out Paying Ransomware Hackers Is a Bad Idea After All

Ransomware has taken over the security industry, as we are sure you have seen from the endless headlines associated with it. All business owners must remain cognizant of the dangers that ransomware represents. A new study has found that organizations infected by ransomware that wind up paying the ransom are not necessarily better off--in fact, paying the ransom could have disastrous consequences.

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Cyberattacks are Happening Faster Than Businesses Can Detect and Prevent Them

Cyberattacks are Happening Faster Than Businesses Can Detect and Prevent Them

Cyberattacks are spending less time on their victims’ networks before they are discovered, which sounds like good news, but the reality isn’t so straightforward. Let’s take a few moments and dig into the situation at hand, and what it means for your cybersecurity.

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We All Just Saw the Largest Cyberattack Ever - Here’s What You Should Know

We All Just Saw the Largest Cyberattack Ever - Here’s What You Should Know

Based on how the rest of the year has gone, it should come as no surprise that 2020 has come to an end with the news that the United States was targeted in the largest cyberespionage attack ever. Let’s go into what this attack signifies, and what we should all take away from it.

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What’s Involved with a Professional Penetration Test

What’s Involved with a Professional Penetration Test

One of the most valuable things for a business to know, in terms of its cybersecurity, is how vulnerable it is to breaches and exploits. This kind of information can be gathered via a process called penetration testing, or “pen testing.” Let’s go over how the average pen test is conducted to see how these insights are collected.

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Alert: Update Windows Netlogon Remote Protocol Now, says Homeland Security

Alert: Update Windows Netlogon Remote Protocol Now, says Homeland Security

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has released an emergency directive concerning a critical exploit known as Zerologon, that affects servers running Windows Server operating systems that needs to get patched as soon as possible.

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How Much Good Does a VPN Really Do?

How Much Good Does a VPN Really Do?

We’re pretty outspoken in our support of VPNs (virtual private networks) as an indispensable tool for your online security. However, considering that there are things that a VPN can and can’t do, we thought it would be helpful to specify what a VPN is really for.

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What to Look For in Your Business’ Wi-Fi Router

What to Look For in Your Business’ Wi-Fi Router

Your business depends quite a bit on its wireless connectivity, which means that your choice of router is an important consideration. Let’s review some of the key points that you need to remember as you select the router that best fits your needs.

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Four Critical Business Network Security Tools

Four Critical Business Network Security Tools

I truly hope that, despite everything that has created challenges for businesses in recent months, I don’t need to remind you of the importance of your organization’s cybersecurity. Let’s consider the solutions that you need to ensure your business remains protected throughout this crisis, as well as any others.

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How to Protect Your Business as You Reopen

How to Protect Your Business as You Reopen

As remote operations continue for many, while many are working to return to the official workplace, security and business continuity are more important to your business than ever. Let’s go over a few things you need to address to successfully reopen without exposing your business to undue risks.

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You Need to Focus on Your Cybersecurity on Three Fronts

You Need to Focus on Your Cybersecurity on Three Fronts

When a business gets hacked or loses data, it can turn out to be a problem that won’t go away. If your business is seeking to get the security it needs to protect the welfare of your employees, your clients, and your substantial investment, you have to start to look at the bigger picture. The security of your business happens at three levels and you need a plan for each. Today, we’ll take a look at these three levels.

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Coronavirus Anxiety Causing Expanded Phishing Threats

Coronavirus Anxiety Causing Expanded Phishing Threats

The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly changed the way we do things in a very short period of time. Unfortunately, in times of absolute crisis and anxiety, cybercriminals use it as camouflage to steal data and infiltrate normally-secure networks. Let’s take a look at some of the ways hackers are able to exploit your employees and how you can work to protect your business. 

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Why Social Engineering Needs to Be on Your Radar

Why Social Engineering Needs to Be on Your Radar

As prevalent as cybersecurity threats unfortunately are today, many users tend to overlook major threats that they just aren’t focused on nearly as much: social engineering attacks. Social engineering attacks are just another means for a cybercriminal to reach their desired ends, and so need to be protected against.

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