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SCW has been serving the Spokane Valley area since 1997, providing IT Support such as helpdesk support, computer support, and technical consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

How to Squeeze in Some Exercise Without Leaving Your Desk

How to Squeeze in Some Exercise Without Leaving Your Desk

As comfy as it can be at times, sitting for all hours of the day isn’t something we’re built for. As a result, not only does sitting all day impact our overall health, it can functionally hurt our productivity as well. Fortunately, there are some simple exercises and activities that can be done at the workstation to help mitigate these negative outcomes. 

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Tip of the Week: Be Specific in Your Out-of-Office Messages

Tip of the Week: Be Specific in Your Out-of-Office Messages

The out-of-office email is a great tool…provided, that is, that it is used to its full potential. Let’s talk about a simple adjustment you can make to the ones you send to ensure they are much more effective, and much less likely to be ignored as a result.

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How to Stretch at Your Desk to Keep Yourself Limber

How to Stretch at Your Desk to Keep Yourself Limber

As critical as it is to make sure your business’ IT remains in good shape, it is just as important that you and your team members are in good shape as well. Otherwise, the aches and pains that can settle in could easily have a detrimental impact on your productivity.

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When Trying to Maintain Your IT, Proactivity is the Best Policy

When Trying to Maintain Your IT, Proactivity is the Best Policy

We could (and usually do) talk about managed services all day long…and to be honest, it’s easy to do, just because there are so many ways that they benefit a business. Today, we wanted to focus our attention on one specific benefit that managed services offer: the inherent proactivity they feature.

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Tip of the Week: How to Use the Heat Maps Feature in Excel

Tip of the Week: How to Use the Heat Maps Feature in Excel

Microsoft Excel is a really useful tool for organizing data. Using something called a heat map strategy can help you get more out of the solution. If you actively use spreadsheets in your business to contextualize data, you will find this easy-to-use tip for using heat maps really useful.

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Tip of the Week: Three Ways to Optimize Your Technology

Tip of the Week: Three Ways to Optimize Your Technology

Nowadays, technology and business are intimately interconnected, the success of your operations and processes largely informed by the tools you have in place. Let’s go over three ways you can help boost your potential success even further by implementing the right methods.

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Tip of the Week: Setting Your Outlook Out-of-Office Message

Tip of the Week: Setting Your Outlook Out-of-Office Message

During the holiday season, people are out of the office quite often, but unless this is properly conveyed to those reaching out to them, it could look like negligence on the employees’ part. To make sure you are as transparent as possible with your out-of-office time, be sure to set up a message. Here’s how you can do it in Microsoft Outlook.

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Security that’s So Simple, It’s Smart

Security that’s So Simple, It’s Smart

Cybersecurity, to many, can sound inherently complicated—complicated enough, perhaps, that many may elect to put it off for as long as they can, or even choose to go without it. Even without our obvious bias factoring into our considerations, this is a bad idea. Let’s go over some basic security practices that are simple to enact, but can easily make a world of difference for your security.

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What Can You Do to Cut Down Friction in Your Workplace?

What Can You Do to Cut Down Friction in Your Workplace?

There are a few different types of stress that may be present in your business right now, either or both of which could be causing no small amount of distress to your team members and disruption to your processes. Let’s explore the sources of these stresses—digital/workplace friction and interpersonal friction—and what can be done to help resolve them.

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Tip of the Week: Typing Through Dictation

Tip of the Week: Typing Through Dictation

Sometimes the last thing you want to do is type on your keyboard, especially if you have already been doing it just about all day. In cases like this, you can give your fingers a break and use Microsoft Word’s dictation features to “write” by speaking into your device’s microphone. Let’s go over how you can use this feature on a desktop, your web browser, and even your mobile device.

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What Might Cyberattacks Look Like in the Future?

What Might Cyberattacks Look Like in the Future?

Cybersecurity is anything but a new concept, and if recent and current events are any indication, the concept isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Let’s take a few moments to consider some of the bigger threats currently out there, and how they will influence the threats we see going forward from here.

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Tip of the Week: Customizing Application Volumes

Tip of the Week: Customizing Application Volumes

There are a lot of different notification sounds that the average office worker needs to listen for as they’re hard at work. However, these notifications can often be drowned out by other applications. To help prevent this, we wanted to go over how you can adjust the volume levels of some of your individual applications.

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Tip of the Week: Curtail Burnout with These Useful Tips

Tip of the Week: Curtail Burnout with These Useful Tips

Burnout is a serious problem in the business environment, and if you are not careful, it can have profound effects on operations, productivity, and profitability in the long term. If you suspect that your employees are experiencing symptoms of burnout, you need to act on these symptoms and implement policies to protect your team from… well, themselves.

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Keyboard Shortcuts to Help You Excel in Microsoft Excel

Keyboard Shortcuts to Help You Excel in Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is a great tool to organize data into spreadsheets, but it’s kind of a tricky beast to master. As is the case with most software programs, you can add an extra level of mastery to your skillset by having a full understanding of keyboard shortcuts. We’ve listed some of the most common shortcuts that you might use during your day-to-day duties in Microsoft Excel.

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Tip of the Week: How to Engage Your Team in Security Training

Tip of the Week: How to Engage Your Team in Security Training

When it comes to your business’ security, your team members can either be your greatest vulnerability or your greatest strength. In order to ensure that the latter is the case, you need to make sure that they are all trained up in the proper security measures. For your convenience, we wanted to share a few tips to help make this training more effective.

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Perhaps More Than Anyone Else, Parents’ Views on Remote Work Have Shifted

Perhaps More Than Anyone Else, Parents’ Views on Remote Work Have Shifted

If the past year has taught us anything, it’s that remote work is something that should not be counted out as a possibility. Employers were forced to make rapid changes to their operations, but for some employees—particularly parents—the shift was both disruptive and frustrating, leading some to question whether they should change careers entirely.

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Tip of the Week: Keep Your Workstation Clean

Tip of the Week: Keep Your Workstation Clean

It’s often said that a clean workspace is a safe workplace. When your workspace is mostly your computer, safety has less to do with it, but that shouldn’t deter you from doing what you can to keep your computer clean. It can help keep it in working order, longer, and is just a sanitary thing to do. Let’s get into why a clean computer is better, and how to go about cleaning your workstation. 

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Tip of the Week: Keeping Tabs on Your Chrome Browser Tabs

Tip of the Week: Keeping Tabs on Your Chrome Browser Tabs

If you’re a user of Google Chrome, there are probably a few browser tabs that you frequently have open. Here, we wanted to go into a few tips to help you get the utmost use out of these tabs, highlighting a few neat features Chrome offers.

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Let’s Get Started with Google Drive

Let’s Get Started with Google Drive

Google Drive has been around now for over eight years, and in that time it has established itself as one of the best cloud platforms available to consumers. What we thought we would do is give those who are unfamiliar with it, a little introduction to the platform.

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How to Resolve the Most Prevalent Security Threat to Your Business

How to Resolve the Most Prevalent Security Threat to Your Business

If I were to ask you what you believed was the biggest potential threat to your business’ future, what would your answer be? The correct answer for most is the risk that an employee might let in a threat—intentionally or not. Let’s investigate how this might happen, and what you need to do to stop it.

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