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SCW Blog

SCW has been serving the Spokane Valley area since 1997, providing IT Support such as helpdesk support, computer support, and technical consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Is the Modem/Router Combination Okay for Business?

Is the Modem/Router Combination Okay for Business?

A lot of service providers will provide new accounts with a two-in-one modem and router device to run their Internet through. The question then is: “Is this device going to work for my small business?” Simply put: no. We will tell you why.

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3 Network Cable Best Practices

3 Network Cable Best Practices

Not every piece of technology works best on your business’ wireless network. For those components, having an idea of how to best attach your network resources via cables is important. This week, we give you three best practices our technicians use to efficiently and effectively connect those components to your network via wires. 

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How to Create a Shared Network by Mapping Network Drives

How to Create a Shared Network by Mapping Network Drives

A shared network is not a new concept in the business world. These shared networks give all computers connected to them access to a centralized file and drive infrastructure where documents can be accessed. Your IT department has likely already set one of these up for your organization, but we thought a short guide on how to map a network on your personal device might be helpful.

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Tip of the Week: Optimize Your Wi-Fi with These Practices

Tip of the Week: Optimize Your Wi-Fi with These Practices

Wi-Fi is a very important component in the modern office, which makes it critical that it operates well. Let’s go over a few tips to help you get the highest available speeds out of your business’ wireless connection. 

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Our Recommendations for Your Wireless Network

Our Recommendations for Your Wireless Network

The typical business network will contain quite a few critical assets that need to be protected, which means that you need to seriously consider anything you add to that network. Take the wireless network that your business uses--how secure is it, and how well does it work? Well, we have a few ways that you can ensure that the answer to both these questions is “well.”

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Is Your Network Up to Speed?

Is Your Network Up to Speed?

In today’s day and age, it is effectively unheard of for a business not to rely on the Internet in some shape or form. This means that maintaining a well-functioning network is of increased importance for businesses of all sizes, which in turn will require you to make a few critical determinations. Here, we’ll examine some of the factors that may indicate your networking equipment is due for a refresh.

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Here are 3 Benefits of Having a Powerful Wireless Network

Here are 3 Benefits of Having a Powerful Wireless Network

The average technology user finds wireless connectivity practically a necessity. The second the Wi-Fi drops out and is unusable, panic ensues. The same can be said for any business that relies on it. In particular, organizations that depend on wireless connectivity can’t even function without it. We’ll walk you through ways your organization can benefit from a strong wireless network.

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Tip of the Week: How to Keep Your Cabling Under Control

Tip of the Week: How to Keep Your Cabling Under Control

If you’ve spent any time at all looking at the cables that connect and power your business’ technology, chances are that you’re intimidated and confused, to say the least. Having an effective strategy to manage and organize these cables is incredibly important for businesses, as with the right strategy, you can optimize access and connectivity to improve your organization’s operations.

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Tech Term of the Week: Dongle

Tech Term of the Week: Dongle

Words are always changing to meet the needs of the times. As they grow in usage, new words are added to dictionaries on a daily basis. Today’s Tech Term, dongle, is one of these words. Have you ever heard it being used before? It might sound a bit silly at first, but dongle is a word that is used in technology more often than you might think.

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