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SCW has been serving the Spokane Valley area since 1997, providing IT Support such as helpdesk support, computer support, and technical consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Tip of the Week: Three Keys to Time Management

Tip of the Week: Three Keys to Time Management

“We have so much time and so little to do. Strike that, reverse it.” – Willy Wonka, as written by Roald Dahl.

Time is perhaps the most finite resource there is, especially when it comes to business productivity. Whether your team is working in the office or remotely, it is important that that spend their available time wisely. Here, we’ve put together a few tips to share with your team to help them be more productive in their work tasks.

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Tip of the Week: A New Way to Be Productive

Tip of the Week: A New Way to Be Productive

We’ve all been there before: looking at our schedule and finding that something has been added to our day, with little-to-no context to describe what it is we are supposed to do. This is not the kind of thing that leads to a productive office and a productive working environment. That’s why we’re sharing how to start each of your team’s responsibilities on the right foot for this week’s tip: tasking it out properly.

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Tip of the Week: Browsing More Productively with Chrome on Android

Tip of the Week: Browsing More Productively with Chrome on Android

It is safe to say that the concept of productivity has long been a priority to businesses, so much so that it spurred on a variety of the recognizable innovations that businesses profit from today. This includes the development of mobile browsing, especially where the Android version of Chrome comes in. Here, we wanted to share a few tips to help you make the most of your own mobile browsing with Chrome.

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How to Reduce Your Business’ Use of Paper

How to Reduce Your Business’ Use of Paper

While there are plenty of ways that a business can cut costs in the long term, one very effective way that this can be accomplished is by adopting more paperless solutions and printing less. As an added bonus, these solutions are also better for the environment as a whole, as they reduce the amount of resources being expended to do business. Let’s go over a few ways that you could cut back on your business’ paper expenditures over time.

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How to Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly in 2020

How to Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly in 2020

Whether your motives are financial, or you are actively trying to be more environmentally conscious in your business, there are plenty of ways to encourage ‘green’ behaviors in the workplace. We’ve taken the liberty of assembling a few of them for your consideration:

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Use Digital Signage to Your Business’ Benefit

Use Digital Signage to Your Business’ Benefit

Some of the best technologies blend in with everyday life. For example, smart speakers are designed in a way to be both functional and inconspicuous. Conversely, some technology that you may have dismissed initially can present some serious benefits for your company. One of those technologies is the digital sign. 

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A Business’ Policies Define Them

A Business’ Policies Define Them

Business processes and procedures are a key component of any successful company. There are plenty of examples of businesses that have literally been built on the practices that they have implemented. We’ll go over a familiar example here, and how you can start to tighten up your own processes.

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Tip of the Week: Upping Your Efficiency with Email

Tip of the Week: Upping Your Efficiency with Email

Your business email is a very useful tool, if used properly. Unfortunately, there are plenty of ways that your email can also serve as a major time sink. For this week’s tip, we wanted to explore a few ways to help keep email useful, rather than distracting and stressful.

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Tip of the Week: Getting the Most Out of Your POS System

Tip of the Week: Getting the Most Out of Your POS System

If your business is in retail, you’re going to need technology that makes it easier to function. In many cases a Point-of-Sale (POS) system--or a Point-of-Purchase system--is the right tool. The POS system looks as though it is a common device you would see in most retail or service businesses. POS platforms are available for more than just retail businesses, but it is in retail that the solution really shines. Today, we’ll take a look at the benefits a POS system will bring your company and how to ensure that your solution is right for your business.

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Downtime Adds Up to a Big Deal, Really Quickly

Downtime Adds Up to a Big Deal, Really Quickly

There are a lot of words that a business owner doesn’t like to hear. One of the worst? Downtime. While this word may seem essentially harmless at first glance, it signifies a much larger range of issues. Here, we’ll examine how to calculate the impact of a downtime event.

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You Need to Prioritize Metrics that Support Efficiency

You Need to Prioritize Metrics that Support Efficiency

Productivity is a core component of any business endeavor, but unfortunately it is often difficult to stay productive with the immense amount of distractions that intercede. In order for anyone to maintain productivity, they need tools aligned with the tasks they are presented. For the modern business, management software has connected most of a business’ core processes to streamline workflows for most people. The use of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platforms keep people in the groove longer, while also providing management metrics designed to give them an idea about how their business is functioning.

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How Working with a Managed Service Provider Helps Your Operations

How Working with a Managed Service Provider Helps Your Operations

In today’s highly competitive business environment, any advantage that you can claim will be useful to you. One big advantage you should seek to have is a trusted and reliable resource you can turn to so they can help you manage your IT solutions, consulting you on your business’ future in terms of its technology.

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How to Minimize Your Printer’s Impact on Your Budget

How to Minimize Your Printer’s Impact on Your Budget

For all the paperless solutions that are available, we understand that some businesses still rely on printed hardcopy documentation. This doesn’t mean, however, that there aren’t ways that you can optimize your printing habits, saving your business a pretty penny in the process.

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Why (And How) You Want to Monitor Your Team

Why (And How) You Want to Monitor Your Team

The average business has a lot that management needs to keep an eye on. Closely monitoring some aspects of yours can help you to secure it, while promoting your productivity. Let’s review a few of these aspects to help you direct your attention to the important facets of your operations.

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Tip of the Week: Solve (Don’t Complicate) Problems

Tip of the Week: Solve (Don’t Complicate) Problems

Have you ever heard someone refer to an activity as “yak shaving?” Also known as “bikeshedding,” this is effectively a way to describe a specific kind of procrastination. For this week’s tip, we’ll explore how a freshly barbered yak relates to your business’ productivity, and how to keep you and your employees on the right track.

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Breaking Down Collaboration’s Levels

Breaking Down Collaboration’s Levels

If there’s a single concept that modern businesses are being built around, that concept would have to be collaboration. Group effort and communication are increasingly central to the workflows of today - but there is more to collaboration than just these features. Here, we’ll review what the term collaboration really means, and how it can be leveraged in all its forms.

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Why Your Employees Aren’t as Productive as You’d Like

Why Your Employees Aren’t as Productive as You’d Like

There are quite a few factors that can lead to boosted productivity, but unfortunately, the opposite is also true. Your business’ productivity can be hampered by a variety of issues. Below, we’ll review some sources of productivity deficits, and how these deficits can be eliminated.

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Are You Ready for More of the IoT in 2019?

Are You Ready for More of the IoT in 2019?

The Internet of Things has verifiably exploded in popularity in almost every conceivable fashion, as was more or less expected before 2018. What can we expect from the IoT in 2019? We’ve compiled a few predictions.

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Boost Efficiency With Business Intelligence

Boost Efficiency With Business Intelligence

As your business grows, understanding how it runs may not be as simple it once was. There was a point where you may have known everything there was to know about it. You knew the vendors and the first name of every sales rep. You knew who were buying your goods from, you knew who made them, and how much they cost to make, package, and distribute. This is the story of business in the 21st century; and the shift that is making businesses run better: business intelligence.

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How to Best Prepare for Migrating Your Server’s Data

How to Best Prepare for Migrating Your Server’s Data

When the time comes, the process of migrating your data from one server to another is a considerable commitment. In order to ensure a smooth and uneventful data migration that results in the greatest benefit to your business, it helps to dive in with a few procedures at the top of mind.

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